Archiving Products
Store managers can archive products that they are not selling now but might want to again in the future.
In your list of products, select one or more products by checking the box at the left of the product’s row.
Click the settings icon (cog) at the end of the row on the right.
To archive multiple items, click the cog in the header row.
In the menu that is displayed, choose Archive Products.
Click Yes to confirm the archive product command.
A message with a green background confirms the archival.
Managing the Archive
You can view your list of archived items, delete archived items, and restore an item to your store.
Click Manage Archived Products in the top row of buttons above the list of products.
A list displays products previously archived, the archival date, and which store manager archived them.
In the list of archived products, select one or more products by checking the box at the left of the product’s row.
Click the cog at the end of the row on the right.
To act on multiple items, click the cog in the header row.
In the menu that is displayed, choose Delete or Restore.
If you choose Delete, you will see this message. Confirm by clicking Yes. The product will be gone forever and cannot be recovered.
If you choose Restore in step 5, the item is removed from the archive and returned to the list of products.