Go Beyond Recognition Portal
Go Beyond is an employee recognition portal aimed at identifying the extraordinary things WVU employees do every day.
How do I access Go Beyond?
Go to gobeyond.wvu.edu. If you are prompted to log in, enter your Login credentials. This will take you to the Go Beyond home page.
What can I do with Go Beyond?
Go Beyond offers both a private and public forum to acknowledge employees who go the extra step with the following options:
Use the employee directory to search for a WVU employee.
View the WVU Recognition Wall, which allows you to track public appreciation posted to individuals' walls across WVU (sortable by department).
View your wall to see if anyone has recognized your achievements.
Send an Ecard to another employee to show them your appreciation publicly or privately.
What if I have a problem or specific question concerning WVU Go Beyond?
Contact the Leadership and Organization Development at 304-293-7217 or LOD@mail.wvu.edu.