25Live Event Scheduling FAQ

25Live is an online scheduling system that allows WVU employees to reserve classrooms, computer labs, conference rooms and recreation fields. If you have additional questions or need assistance with 25Live, email scheduling@mail.wvu.edu.

How do I access 25Live?

  1. Go to 25live.collegenet.com/wvu

  2. Select the appropriate organization button.

  3. Enter your login credentials.

If you still cannot log in using your Login credentials, email scheduling@mail.wvu.edu.

How do I schedule events?

If you are in 25Live (25live.collegenet.com/wvu), click the Help button in the top right corner for information.

You can find additional information on the Facilities Scheduling page at facilitiesscheduling.wvu.edu. This site has PDF and video instructions, guidelines, FAQs, important dates and more.

How do I check the final exam schedule?

  1. Log into 25Live and select the appropriate room.

  2. Under Availability, select the date that the final exam is supposed to be conducted.

  3. Scroll through the rooms and times until you see the classroom in which you have been teaching your course.

  4. Look for the green blocks. You can either use your mouse to hover over the green block for final exam information or click the green block.

Why is my name showing incorrectly in 25Live?

Name corrections are handled through HR (304-293-5700).

What is the difference between 25Live and Schedule 25?

Like 25Live, Schedule 25 is an application in the Series 25 software package. Schedule 25 is the scheduling algorithm for academic courses. Departments provide the following parameters:

  • Top three choices for location preferences

  • Technology and accessibility requests

  • Maximum enrollment of class

This information then feeds into 25Live, in which the room assignments are viewable.

25Live is the Web based component that allows WVU employees to view the activity for a room at a certain time, search for open space or request events in general purpose classrooms.

For more information about Schedule 25 or any of the additional applications that are part of the Series 25 software package, view the Academic Schedule Process page on the Facilities Scheduling website.

Why won't 25Live interface with STAR?

If 25Live is not interfacing correctly with STAR (Banner), contact the ITS Service Desk.

Need more information?

Visit these helpful links on the Facilities Scheduling website:

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