Handshake is a career oriented website for WVU students and alumni and includes job postings and career events. Employers can register and post jobs on Handshake. Students can log in using their WVU credentials to search for jobs and events.
Follow the steps below to log into Handshake as a student, former student or employer. For additional information or troubleshooting, please contact Career Services at 304-293-2221 or visit the Handshake Help Center.
How to access Handshake:
WVU students and alumni typically have Handshake accounts already created for them. Employers or other users without an account can follow these steps to create one and access Handshake.
Go to wvu.joinhandshake.com.
Click the West Virginia University Sign On button to sign in with your WVU Login username and password. You can also click to sign in with your email address.
Note: If you don't have a Handshake account, you will be prompted to select if you're an Employer, Student or Alumni, or with Career Services. You will be required to provide more information based on your selection to complete your account.