Upload or Email a Document for MyPrinting

Upload or Email a Document for MyPrinting

Print from your device by emailing your documents or uploading them to the MyPrinting site.

Upload a document to be printed

  1. Go to myprinting.wvu.edu.

  2. Click UploadNote: If you are using a mobile device, you may not see the Upload icon unless you switch to desktop browser mode. If you continue to have trouble uploading from a mobile device, please use the Email a document to be printed option below.

  3. Your document will process and be available for printing at a MyPrinting location. Click here for a list of locations.

  4. Tap your Mountaineer ID Card on the card reader located on the front panel of the machine.

  5. Touch the Print button.

  6. Highlight the documents you want to print by touching them. A yellow box will appear on the print jobs you have selected.

  7. Press the blue Start button to print the selected documents.

  8. When you have finished printing, press the Access button to log off the machine.

Email a document to be printed

Only emails sent from @mix.wvu.edu, @mail.wvu.edu and @hsc.wvu.edu addresses are supported. Please note your file attachment must be a supported file type (see Supported file types below).

  1. Using your primary WVU email account, send the document as an attachment to the email address that matches the options you want.

  2. You will receive an email confirmation when your document has been processed and is ready to print.

  3. Go to any available Bizhub machine in the building. View a list of locations.

  4. Tap your Mountaineer ID Card on the card reader located on the front panel of the machine.

  5. Touch the Print button.

  6. Highlight the documents you want to print by touching them. A yellow box will appear on the print jobs you have selected.

  7. Press the blue Start button to print the selected documents.

  8. When you have finished printing, press the Access button to log off the machine.

Supported file types

Only the following file types can be printed by uploading or emailing options for MyPrinting. 

Microsoft® Word

.doc, .docx, .dot

Microsoft® Excel

.xls, .xlt,.xlsx, .xltx, .xltm, .xlsm

Microsoft® PowerPoint

.ppt, .pptx, .pptm, .pot, .pps, .potx, .ppsx

Microsoft® Publisher



.odt, .ods, .ott, .odp, .odg, .odf, .odp

Comma Separated Values


Adobe Portable Document Format


Rich Text Format


Text files


Image formats

.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .bmp, .tif

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