Connect Your Mac Computer to WVU's Wi-Fi

Connect Your Mac Computer to WVU's Wi-Fi

WVU students, faculty, and staff should connect to the WVU.Encrypted network. WVU students and employees trying to connect to WVU.Guest will receive an error message since it is intended for campus guests. Students and employees should connect to WVU.Encrypted for more secure access. 

How do I connect my Mac to the WVU.Encrypted network?

To configure your Mac (10.3 and above) to connect to WVU.Encrypted, follow the steps below.

  1. Make sure your Login account is active.
    Note: You must have an active Login account to use the University's wireless network. If you already use your Login account to log into the WVU Portal, eCampus, or other Login applications, then your wireless access is already active. If you do not know whether or not your account is active, you can activate it at login.wvu.edu.

  2. In the upper right of your screen, click the AirPort icon and select Other from the main menu.

  3. Fill in the following information:

    • Network name: WVU.Encrypted

    • Wireless Security: WPA2 Enterprise

    • Username: Your Login username.

    • Password: Your Login password.

  4. Click OK.

  5. A certificate window will appear. Click Continue.

  6. You should be connected now. If you receive an "Authentication Failed" message, make sure you are using the correct username and password.

We highly recommend using your Software Update tool to download the newest security patches.


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