Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD)

Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD)

Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD), formerly named Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD), is a Microsoft Azure service that allows users to access virtual desktops and applications over the internet. AVD allows users to access software and University resources virtually that cannot be accessed with their own computer or from outside of the WVU network.

Employees with permission to use AVD can access the virtual desktop environment by logging into virtualapps.wvu.edu, or they can install Microsoft Remote Desktop for a more feature-rich experience. Follow the instructions below to log in and troubleshoot any issues you may have with AVD.

Request AVD access

Submit a request using the ITS Azure Virtual Desktop Requests page.

Log into AVD

  1. Go to virtualapps.wvu.edu.

  2. Enter your WVU Login username followed by your email domain (username@mail.wvu.edu or username@hsc.wvu.edu) then click Next.  

  3. Enter your WVU Login password and click Sign In.

  4. Authenticate with Duo.

  5. You will see icons for all of the virtual desktops and applications you have access to. Double-click the name of the desktop/application you want to open.

  6. You will be asked if you wish to allow access to local resources. Click Allow or Cancel to continue.

    • Clipboard allows you to use copy/paste functionality.

    • Printer allows you to print to your local printer (both are checked by default.) 

  7. You will be asked to log in again. Enter your WVU Login username and password, then click Continue.

  8. You now have access to your virtual desktop or application. 
    Note: Some apps may behave as if they are opening for the first time.

AVD functionality

  • Click All Resources to see all of your available labs. Users can open multiple virtual desktops 

  • Double-click any computer icon to open a virtual desktop in a new tab. 

  • Select the unpin button to change the navigation bar to a small tab.

  • Select the full screen button to enter full screen mode.

  • Click your name, then Sign Out to log out of the virtual desktop when finished.

All items saved to the virtual desktop Documents, Pictures, or Desktop folders will be saved to your OneDrive account, and will be available to you in any of the AVD desktops. Instructions for logging into OneDrive are available in the OneDrive for Business article.  

Access AVD using Microsoft Remote Desktop

To use the full features of Azure Virtual Desktop, you can install Microsoft Remote Desktop and connect to the virtual desktop of your choice. If you are using an ITS-supported computer, you can install Microsoft Remote Desktop in Software CenterCompany Portal (computers managed in Azure AD), or Self Service (macOS). If you do not have an ITS-supported computer, follow the instructions to install Microsoft Remote Desktop below.  

The AVD client uses all displays for virtual desktops by default, but you can configure your individual AVD display settings.


  1. Log into the App Store.

  2. Search for Microsoft Remote Desktop. 

  3. Find Microsoft Remote Desktop and click Install. 

  4. Open Microsoft Remote Desktop.

View Microsoft's Connect to Azure Virtual Desktop with the macOS Client for more information about installing and configuring the macOS desktop client,

Windows 10

  1. Install the correct version of Microsoft Remote Desktop by clicking the appropriate link below: 
         Windows 64-bit
         Windows 32-bit
         Windows ARM64
    Not sure which version of Windows you're using? Read Microsoft's support article: Which version of Windows operating system am I running?

  2. Click subscribe.

  3. Login using your WVU Login username followed by @mail.wvu.edu (username@mail.wvu.edu) and your Login password. Authenticate with Duo.  

  4. For the Do you want your org to manage your device option, uncheck box for managed.

  5. Log into Remote Desktop to see all labs. Hover over a lab to see the lab's name. 

For more information about installing and configuring the Windows Desktop client, view Microsoft's Get Started With the Azure Desktop Client article. 


Simultaneous access to AVD is limited by license count, so if you are having trouble logging in try again later.

If you have access to AVD and cannot login, or receive an error message that your username/password are not working while trying to log into AVD (using the web client or using Microsoft Remote Desktop), check your Login account or contact the ITS Service Desk. 


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