Total Contract Management (TCM) Requesting a Contract

These instructions show you how to request a contract in Mountaineer Marketplace.


  1. Access Mountaineer Marketplace.

  2. In the left side panel,

    1. Hover over the Contracts icon.

    2. In the fly-out menu, choose the Requests menu.

    3. In the fly-out menu, choose Request Contract.

Create Contract Request

  1. Enter the contract name using upper and lower case.

  2. Click the Submit button.

  3. Read the instructions page and click the Next button.


  1. Click the Save Progress and Next buttons.


  1. If you have received a contract from an outside party or have supporting documents, attach them to the request by clicking Add Attachments.

  2. Click the Next button.


Answer a series of questions. If an asterisk is next to the question, it is a required field.

  1. Internal Information

    1. Requestor name.

    2. Requestor phone number

    3. Requestor email

    4. Department contact

    5. Work Group

      1. Use the search function (magnifying glass) to select the appropriate Work Group. Workflow routing is based on this so you need to be specific.

    6. Are there financial terms involved?

      1. Select No Money or Revenue from the drop-down box.

        1. If selecting Revenue, you will need to complete the additional financial questions at the end of the form.

    7. Click the Save Progress and Next buttons.

  2. Contract Information:

    1. What type of contract are you requesting?

      1. Affiliation Agreement, Service Agreement, Other.

      2. Date Needed.

      3. Contract Start Date

      4. Contract Purpose

      5. Is this an International Agreement?

        1. If selecting No, continue to Second Party Information.

        2. If yes, answer additional questions and then continue to Second Party Information.

  3. Second Party Information

    1. Enter the legal name of the second party partner.

    2. Enter the second party's complete address.

    3. Enter the second party signatory/title.

    4. If the Second Party has an additional contact and address for the contract Notice Provision then, you must complete the next section (Second Party Notice Information) as well.

    5. Complete the Second Party Additional Contact Information section if you are working with someone in a department that is not the signatory authority and you want to include that information.

      1. If the contract will have additional Second Party partners, you will need to complete information for each additional party. For example, you might have an agreement that includes both WVU and the West Virginia University Medical Corporation (UHA).

  4. Financial Contract Details

If the contract agreement produces revenue, complete additional fields that follow.

Review and Complete

  1. Review and make sure that all fields are checked and that all required information has been provided.

  2. Click Complete Request.

  3. Click Yes.

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