Update Permissions Page After Initial Approval in IRB Module
On IRB protocols, the protocol creator can grant two permissions on each individual protocol: viewer or aggregator. Viewers can only view the protocol, while aggregators can edit it.
You need to update permissions granted on an IRB protocol OR the Permissions page did not update a CO-I to aggregator when adding a new CO-I to an IRB protocol and the protocol has already been approved by the IRB.
Editing the Permissions page after a protocol has been approved by the IRB will normally require a renewal or amendment being created. Once a renewal or amendment has been created, any aggregator on the protocol will be able to make changes to the Permissions page. We recommend the PI or CO-I contact the Office of Human Research Protections at IRB@mail.wvu.edu or 304-293-7073 to speak with the IRB staff to determine the best course of action.