Search in WVU+kc
Click the search types below to see suggestions when searching for documents, people or places within the WVU+kc electronic research administration system.
Wildcard search:
Wildcard searches can be used when just a portion of your search criteria is known, such as the beginning letters of a name or the ending digits of an IRB protocol number. Use the asterisk (*) to replace a string of letters or words. You can enter the prefix, suffix or root of a search term and replace the missing portion with an asterisk to find all forms of that word. For example, entering *wildcard* in the award title field will return both an award titled “Using Wildcard Searches to Find Documents in WVU+kc” and an award entitled “A Study of the Effectiveness of Using Wildcard Searches in WVU+kc.” Entering *6045 in the IRB protocol number field will return the protocol number 2016086045 but it will not return the protocol number 2016045821 because the asterisk is located at the beginning of the sequence of numbers indicating that the protocol number ends in 6045; however, entering *6045* in the protocol number field will return all protocols that have the number sequence 6045 located anywhere within the protocol number.
Search by personnel:
When searching for a document by the PI’s name, start by using the person’s last name to narrow down the search results. If the person has a common last name like Smith, use a wildcard search to help narrow the search results. For example, if you are trying to find an award on which Gary Smith is the PI, enter G* Smith in the Investigator field. This will return all awards that have an investigator whose first name starts with G and last name is Smith. It is important to avoid entering too much search criteria, such as name AND email address, as the data you enter in these search fields will need to match exactly to the WVU Identity Management database to return results.
Performance site search:
When you are searching for a performance site to add to a proposal, use a wildcard search for the room number or part of the building name. For example, if you want to find Room 234 in Woodburn Hall, enter *234* in the Room field or *Woodburn* in the Building search field. Enter part of a street name (e.g, *Pineview*) in the Physical Address field or search by city or zip code to find performance sites located outside of Morgantown. Again, it is best not to enter search criteria into all of the possible search fields at the same time because the data will need to match exactly to return results.
Inactive IRB protocol search:
The best way to find an inactive version of an IRB protocol, such as old renewal or amendment that has since been approved, is by using the Advanced IRB Protocol Search. After clicking the Search Protocols link from the Menu Bar, click the Advanced Search tab. Enter the protocol number in the Protocol Number field or do a wildcard search. If you are searching for a renewal or amendment that has been incorporated into your active protocol, be sure to use the appropriate protocol number suffix (e.g., R001) or use a wildcard search to return all renewals (e.g., 20160812345R*). Change the Active flag from Yes to No before searching to only return inactive documents in the results.