IRB Protocol Status
When an IRB protocol is submitted, it will be given the "Routing Protocol" status in the header of the protocol. Once it reaches the Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) and is ready to be reviewed, the status will change to "Submitted to Committee" or "Submitted to Agenda" indicating it is in the queue to be reviewed.
You submitted your IRB protocol for review but have not heard back from OHRP regarding its status.
First, check the status of your protocol to make sure it is "Routing Protocol." If it has a status such as "Amendment in Progress" that means your amendment has been created but has not been submitted to the OHRP. Submit the protocol by navigating to the Protocol Actions page and clicking the submit button.
If your protocol is routing, depending on who submitted the protocol, there may be several approvals that need to take place before a protocol reaches the OHRP. If a Co-I submits the protocol, the PI must approve it before the protocol is routed to the next person to approve.
Check the status of your protocol by going to the Route Log, located on the Protocol Actions page. This section will display the action that is currently pending on the protocol in the Pending Action Requests section. That person can be contacted and reminded that they need to review and approve the protocol. The Future Action Requests section will display who will need to take action on the protocol after the person in the Pending Action Requests completes approval. Once the protocol reaches the OHRP, the Pending Action section will indicate that there are multiple users who need to take action on the protocol. If the Route Log is showing that the protocol is in the OHRP queue, contact the OHRP for a status update at 304-293-7073.