Access an Old Version of an IRB Protocol

You need to access data from an old version of your IRB protocol.


  • After updating all of the sections on the Questionnaire page, some of your answers were erased even though you selected "Copy the answers from the old version of questionnaire to the new one."

  • You are submitting a renewal and need to review the information you provided on a previous renewal of the protocol.


  1. In the IRB section of the menu bar, select Search Protocols.

  2. When the IRB Protocol Search page opens, click the Advanced Search tab. 

  3. Enter your protocol number in the Protocol Number field. If you are searching for an old renewal or amendment, enter the specific number (e.g., 123456789R002). If you are unsure of the renewal or amendment number, enter the protocol number followed by an asterisk (e.g., 123456789*). 

  4. In the Active field, select No.