WVU Bookstores and Textbooks
All required textbooks are available for purchase through the WVU Bookstores. Contact your WVU bookstore for questions or assistance with ordering your textbooks.
How do I find what books I need for class?
There are two easy ways to see the books you will need for your classes.
Click on the link for your WVU bookstore listed below. Hover the pointer over Textbooks, and then click Find Textbooks. Enter your courses and sections. Then click Find Materials.
Log into the WVU Portal using your Login credentials. Click on the STAR link. Click Student Services & Housing>Registration>WVU, PSC, and WVU Tech Bookstores. Use the drop-down arrow to select the correct term. Click Submit. Then click the link To order your books on line.
For information about WVU’s textbook affordability initiative, please visit provost.wvu.edu/projects-and-initiatives.
Bookstore contact information:
WVU Bookstore
(304) 293-7461
WVU Law School Bookstore
(304) 293-2492
WVU Health Sciences Bookstore
(304) 293-4849
WVU PSC Bookstore
(304) 788-6908
WVU Tech Bookstore
(304) 442-3106
WVU Parkersburg Bookstore
(304) 424-8240