Manage IACUC Protocols
The Manage Protocols page is what you will see / the primary view when you access the IACUC Protocols module in WVU+kc. This view displays a searchable list of protocols.
Access the Manage Protocols Page
From the WVU+kc researcher dashboard, click on IACUC in the menu, then click the Protocolslink. The Manage Protocols page will open in a new browser tab or window.
Look for an existing protocol document by finding the Title or the PI Name in the list.
Review the Status and/or Assignment of the protocol in this list.
Click on the protocol Title link to view or edit the document. Protocols can not be edited when in a review status.
You will see only protocols that you have permission to view or edit. Protocols are sorted by their Number (descending) by default.
Search for Protocols
At the top of the Manage Protocols screen, click in the Search field.
Type any portion of the Title or PI Name of the protocol you are looking for into the Searchfield. Protocol results will instantly be limited to only those matching your search terms.
Click on any protocol Title link to open the document.
Click the X at the end of the search field to clear your search criteria.
Advanced Filters
The Advanced Filter tool allows you to create and save custom filters for the list of protocols. Click the Advanced Filter button to open the tool.
Click Add Rule to select what to filter for.
Choose which field to filter on by clicking on the Choose Field drop-down.
Select an Operator to filter based on the selected column. The available operators will vary depending on the field selected.
Complete the criteria for the Operator. The type of entry required will depend on the Field and Operator selected. Either select a value from a list or enter a text filter criteria.
If multiple filters are desired, click the Add Rule button (then follow steps 3-5 above) to create and apply additional filters to the protocols list.
The list of displayed protocols will be updated as you select or enter each piece of the filter rule. View the results at the bottom of the screen.
Save Filters
Your personalized filters can be saved to use in the future. After creating a rule (as in steps 1-7 above), type a Saved Filter Name in the Save these as field.
Click the Save button at the end of the field.
Use your saved filters by clicking the Saved Filters drop-down to choose a filter to apply. Deleteany unneeded filters by clicking the trash can icon.
Manage Columns
Choose which columns of data display in your protocols list by clicking the Manage Columns button. Add more columns to display details you want to see. The Manage Columns options will appear in a panel on the right side of the screen.
Select or un-select any variables in the Manage Columns list to include or exclude them from your personal Protocols list.
Remove any of the currently displayed columns by un-checking them.
Add new columns such as Created At or Expiration date, Review or Revision deadlines, or protocol Type or Lead Unit.
Click the Save button at the bottom of the Manage Columns panel to see the protocols list updated with your selections.
The Manage Columns selections will be in effect only while you are on this page. When you navigate to another page in WVU+kc or log out, the column arrangement will be reset.