Internal Grant Application Page in WVU+kc

The Application page of the Internal Grant document is where you will answer a questionnaire about the proposed activity that will be funded by the requested internal grant, or provide a proposal that details how the grant will be used. The type of questions you see will depend on the Internal Grant Type selected on the first page of the document.

Application Questions

The application questionnaire presented will be different for each type of internal grant, however, all fields are required for each questionnaire type.  Select an internal grant type to see more about the questionnaire.

Academic Conference Application

An Academic Conference grant request is used to request funding to host focused academic mini-conferences with the end goal of producing significant scholarly work such as an edited book, monograph, special edition of a peer-reviewed journal, or other creative output (e.g., film, play, musical score, etc.); or regional, national, or international disciplinary meetings in Morgantown. Answer all of the following questions for an Academic Conference grant request.

Please upload your proposal as a single document. 

For the academic conference grant request type, you must provide details about how the grant will be used for the proposed conference. The proposal should include significance, objectives and how they will be achieved, expected outcomes, budget, and budget justification. 

  1. Click the Upload button below the question.

  2. Click the Upload a File button or drag a file from your computer and drop it into the box with the dashed line that says Drop files here.

  3. Locate and select the file on your computer, then click the Open button. The file name will appear below the Drop files here area.

  4. Click Finished to attach the file.

After completing the questionnaire fields, you can click the Save button to save the Internal Grant document to the system. The document will also automatically be saved when you click the next tab.

Community Engagement Application

A Community Engagement internal grant request will be used for a community service project. Answer all of the following questions for a community engagement project.

Number of Previous CE grants receive in the past five years

Indicate how many community engagement grants you have been awarded in the past five years. Choose one of the options using the radio buttons provided. 

Has a past CE grant led to you submitting an application for external funding?

Answer yes, no, or not applicable.


Enter a brief description of the proposed project in the text field. Enter up to 1500 characters. You can expand the editing window by clicking the small pencil icon in the lower right corner.

Significance of Project

Describe the need for the proposed project, how it will contribute to the citizens of West Virginia, and how you became aware of this need. Enter up to 2500 characters. You can expand the editing window by clicking the small pencil icon in the lower right corner.


Enter a brief and selective summary of the current and significant work in the field related to this project. Enter up to 3000 characters. You can expand the editing window by clicking the small pencil icon in the lower right corner.


Describe the project's objectives in clear and precise terms. Enter up to 3000 characters. You can expand the editing window by clicking the small pencil icon in the lower right corner.

Project Plan

Give a thorough description of the how the project will be carried out - include the method of delivery, the community groups to be impacted, and any related data. Enter up to 3000 characters. You can expand the editing window by clicking the small pencil icon in the lower right corner.

Expected Outcomes

Indicate the anticipated contributions this project will make to the citizens of West Virginia, your field of expertise, your professional development, and the university. This should not be simply a list of expected publications. Please indicate any plans for permanent funding for the project. Enter up to 2500 characters. You can expand the editing window by clicking the small pencil icon in the lower right corner.

Related Funding

Describe the funding you have received to date for proposed or related projects. State whether similar grants are also being submitted to other funding sources and identify them. Enter up to 3000 characters. You can expand the editing window by clicking the small pencil icon in the lower right corner.

After completing the questionnaire fields, you can click the Save button to save the Internal Grant document to the system. The document will also automatically be saved when you click the next tab.

Research and Scholarship Advancement Application

A Research and Scholarship Advancement internal grant request will be used for a research project or advancement of other scholarly projects. Answer all of the following questions for a research and scholarship advancement grant application.

Is this a scholarship or seed grant?

Indicate what type of grant funding is being sought. Choose one of the options using the radio buttons provided.

Is this an interdisciplinary project?

Answer Yes or No.

Please elaborate.

Describe how this project meets the definition of an interdisciplinary project or not. Enter up to 1000 characters. You can expand the editing window by clicking the small pencil icon in the lower right corner.

Number of previous RSA grants received in the past five years:

Indicate how many research and scholarship advancement grants you have been awarded in the past five years. Choose one of the options using the radio buttons provided.

Has a past RSA grant led to you submitting an application for external funding?

Answer yes, no, or not applicable.


Describe the project's objectives in clear and precise terms.  Enter up to 3000 characters. You can expand the editing window by clicking the small pencil icon in the lower right corner.

Significance of Project

State the need for this project and describe the contribution you expect it will make to the field of study. Enter up to 3000 characters. You can expand the editing window by clicking the small pencil icon in the lower right corner.


Give a selective summary of both current and significant previous work in this field of study. Enter up to 3000 characters. You can expand the editing window by clicking the small pencil icon in the lower right corner.


List the objectives of this project, giving consideration to time, funding, and personnel constraints. Enter up to 2500 characters. You can expand the editing window by clicking the small pencil icon in the lower right corner.

Project Plan

Concisely describe the experiments, methods of analysis, or other approaches to the project, and provide evidence of your ability to carry out this plan. Enter up to 3000 characters. You can expand the editing window by clicking the small pencil icon in the lower right corner.

Expected Outcomes

List and quantify the anticipated contributions this project will make to your professional development and to the university. Such outcomes could include authorship of publications or presentations, production of data sets that can be used in future research, or proposals for external funding. Enter up to 2500 characters. You can expand the editing window by clicking the small pencil icon in the lower right corner. 

After completing the questionnaire fields, you can click the Save button to save the Internal Grant document to the system. The document will also automatically be saved when you click the next tab.

Faculty Travel / Development Application

A Faculty Travel / Development internal grant request will be used for faculty professional development or travel to related events. Answer all of the following questions for a Faculty Travel / Development grant application. 

Name of Conference

Give the name of the professional conference or meeting to which you plan to travel. Enter up to 256 characters. You can expand the editing window by clicking the small pencil icon in the lower right corner.


Where will the conference take place - what city, state, country? Enter up to 256 characters. You can expand the editing window by clicking the small pencil icon in the lower right corner. 

Meeting Start Date

On what day does the conference meeting begin? Click the calendar icon to select a date from the selector, using the arrow buttons to navigate to a future month or year. Click on a number to select a day. 

Meeting End Date

On what day does the conference meeting end? Click the calendar icon to select a date from the selector, using the arrow buttons to navigate to a future month or year. Click on a number to select a day.

Brief description and significance of activity:

Describe the significance of this particular conference or meeting in your field of study. Enter up to 1500 characters. You can expand the editing window by clicking the small pencil icon in the lower right corner.

Total Trip Costs

Enter a dollar figure giving the estimated cost of the trip including registration fees, travel and hotel costs, and any other expected costs.

Total Amount Requested

Enter a dollar figure for the amount you are requesting for this FTD grant application. Current limits on travel grant amounts can be located on the Internal Grants website.

Do you wish to apply for a supplemental child or elderly care caregiving grant for this trip?

Choose Yes or No from the radio button options. You can only receive supplemental funds for child or elder care expenses that are above your normal caregiving expenses and which will arise due to this trip. More information can be found at the Internal Grants website.


After completing the CE questionnaire fields, you can click the Save button to save the Internal Grant document to the system. The document will also automatically be saved when you click the next tab.

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