Dashboard Research Activity Lists
Upon logging into WVU+kc, you will see your researcher dashboard which is comprised of four sections: a menu bar, news feed/alerts, last activity and pre-populated research activity lists.Ā
Located at the bottom of the dashboard, the research activity lists provide information and direct links to the research projects on which you are named as PI or Co-I. To find a particular project:
Click the type of document you want to view in the vertical menu on the left side of the page. The document type you select will highlight in gold.
Select from one of the pre-populated lists available for that document type. These lists are located horizontally across the section and the one that you select will highlight in gold.
Sort any of these pre-populated lists by column. The column you select to sort by will highlight in gold.
To edit a document from the results, click the pencil icon. To view a document from the results, click the document icon. If you open a document in view mode, you will not be able to edit it. You will have to close the document and reopen it using edit mode.
You can export the results from any of these pre-populated lists by clicking the export button in the right corner of the section.Ā
Find information about specific activity lists by title:
Proposal lists
After choosing Proposals on the left vertical menu, you will see four list headers that pertain to proposals:
Not SubmittedĀ displays the proposals that you have created in WVU+kc but have not been submitted to OSP to review.Ā
Submitted to OSPĀ includes all of the proposals that you have submitted and are currently being reviewed by OSP.Ā If OSP has sent a submitted proposal back to you for revisions, you will find the proposal in this list.Ā
Submitted to SponsorĀ shows all of your proposals that have been reviewed by OSP and submitted to the sponsor.Ā
All My ProposalsĀ is a complete list of all unsubmitted and submitted proposals. You can sort all of these proposal lists by various columns including proposal type, OSP Number or sponsor.
Award lists
After choosingĀ AwardĀ on the left vertical menu, you will see three list headers that pertain to award actions:Ā
All My Active AwardsĀ displays all of your award actions that are currently active. The link to open these award actions will go to the most current version of the award notice (green sheet).Ā
All My Expired AwardsĀ displays a list of your award actions that have expired.
All My AwardsĀ is a comprehensive list of all active and expired award actions. You can sort all of these award lists by various columns including award notice date, OSP number, MAP project/award number, or action start/end date.
IRB lists
After choosingĀ IRBĀ on the left vertical menu, you will see five list headers that pertain to IRB protocols:Ā
Not SubmittedĀ displays all of the human subject research protocols that you have created in WVU+kc but have not submitted to the IRB for review.Ā
Submitted to IRBĀ displays all of the protocols that you have submitted to the IRB for review but review is pending. If your protocol has been sent back to you with revisions requested, you will find the protocol in this list.Ā
Active ProtocolsĀ displays all of your human subject research protocols that have been approved by the IRB and are currently active.Ā
Amend or RenewĀ displays all of your protocols that are available to amend or renew. Please note that only one amendment or renewal can be submitted for a protocol at a time. Protocols that already have an amendment or renewal being reviewed will not populate in the Amend or Renew list.Ā
All My IRB ProtocolsĀ provides a comprehensive list of all unsubmitted, submitted, active, and expired protocols. You can sort all of these protocol lists by various columns such as protocol number, type and status. If you are a reviewer for the IRB, you will see one additional section header entitledĀ Pending Reviews. This list displays all of the protocols that have been assigned to you to review but the review has not yet been completed.
Internal Grants lists
After choosingĀ Internal GrantsĀ on the left vertical menu, you will see five list headers that pertain to internal grant applications:Ā
Not SubmittedĀ displays all of the internal grant applications that you have created in WVU+kc but have not submitted for review.Ā
SubmittedĀ displays all of the applications that you have submitted and are currently being reviewed.Ā
ApprovedĀ displays all of your applications that have been approved for funding.Ā
RejectedĀ displays all of your internal grant applications that have not been approved for funding.Ā
All My Internal GrantsĀ provides a comprehensive list of all unsubmitted, submitted, approved and rejected internal grant applications. You can sort all of these internal grant lists by various columns including grant program type (e.g., Research and Scholarship Advancement) and status.