Grant Parent/Guest Portal Access

If you want a parent or other guest to access your WVU records, follow the steps below to grant a parent Proxy permissions.  

How to grant access to a parent or guest:

  1. Sign in to with your WVU Login credentials and click the STAR button.

  2. After you see the main menu, click Parent/Guest Portal at the bottom of the page.

  3. Any existing proxies will be shown. Click Add New to add a parent/guest.

    Student view of initial proxy screen
  4. Complete the Profile fields.

    1. Last name

    2. First name

    3. Email address

    4. Relationship

    5. Start and Stop dates: By default these are for six years.

      1. To change the default, enter a specific date range. This can be in the future.

      2. To end a parent/guest’s access, enter yesterday’s date in the Stop field.

  5. Enter a Passphrase that the parent/guest will be required to provide to WVU departments, such as Financial Aid, before the staff can speak to the parent/guest. (E.g., My pet’s name is Suzy.)

  6. Choose the Authorizations your parent/guest will be allowed to view:

    Select authorizations
    1. Check the boxes to choose specific authorizations, or click Select All to choose all options.

    2. If you already have a proxy, click the Copy Authorizations dropdown arrow and choose the proxy whose authorizations you would like to copy.

  7. Click Submit.

    1. An Email Passphrase link now appears below the Description/Passphrase field. Click this link to notify your parent/guest of the passphrase so they can use it to contact necessary offices, as needed, to comply with FERPA rules. Your parent/guest will receive an email with the subject line "Send updated proxy passphrase" containing the passphrase you set.

    2. An Email Authorizations link now appears below the list of authorizations you selected. Click this link to notify your parent/guest of the specific topics you have authorized.

  8. The parent/guest will receive two emails, one with the subject "New proxy identity" and the other with the subject "New proxy relationship.” These emails contain instructions on gaining access to the student’s accounts. If the parent/guest does not receive these emails, they will need to check their spam folder.

    1. If the email address identified in step 4c has been used by another student to set up a proxy relationship, the parent/guest will receive only one email; the subject line will be "New proxy relationship.”

    2. The parent/guest’s name will now appear in the Proxy Management screen. If this proxy is being set up for the first time, “Inactive” will appear under the proxy’s name.

      1. You can edit or remove the proxy relationship by clicking the appropriate icon.

      2. After clicking the Edit icon, you have access to all the original fields when you set up the relationship. You can:

        1. Reset the password.

        2. Change the start and/or stop dates.

        3. Change the passphrase.

        4. Change any authorizations.

    3. Click the Communication tab and click Resend to generate a new email to send to the parent/guest.

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