Enrollment Requests
Faculty and staff may submit enrollment requests to give users support roles in eCampus. These roles for credit courses include Course Builder, Teaching Assistant, and Auditor. For development course, these roles include Instructors, Course Builder, Teaching Assistant, Auditor, and Student. Each role has unique conditions that need to be met for a user to be granted that role.
Instructor: Instructors are enrolled in Star credit courses exclusively through Star. Users who request this type of enrollment should be directed to their department’s SLI Coordinator. Users may request instructor enrollment to development courses, and these can be granted.
Course Builder: Course Builders and any other authorized individual requesting to be registered into a current term course must abide by the policy below:
The enrollment as Course Builder can and will be made to aid the primary instructor for their course or for resolving a current issue in the course. The enrollment will be active for 24 hours unless specified.
Course Builders can be added in eCampus temporarily if needed. These types of requests must come from the POC for the Department, Instructor of the course, Dean/Department Chair of the College. These requests must be submitted through the JSM ticketing system.
Teaching Assistant (TA): TA requests must be submitted by the instructor of the section. If this is not the case, it must be submitted by the Dean or Department Chair.
The TA must complete an eCampus Code of Confidentiality form each term for enrollment to credit courses. TA enrollment will not be processed if a Code of Confidentiality is not signed for the term. Form is not required for development courses.
Auditor: The Auditor role in eCampus is used for students making up an Incomplete or is a student who has taken then class before with a passing grade with a previous registration. This request must be submitted by the instructor.
Student: The Student role is only allowable for development courses. Will allow the requested user to view a course from a student perspective.
How to submit a request
Log into the eCampus Request System (eRS) at ers.wvu.edu
Select Create Request.
Select Enrollment.
For credit courses, you will need to know the term and section for the course that you are enrolling a user into. For development courses, you will have the ability to select your development course based on your access in eCampus.
You will have the ability to select multiple sections of a credit course or development courses (if applicable) in a single request.
User Search will allow you search for an active user for enrollment by their name or username.