Students' Perception of Teaching (SPOT) (Formerly SEI)
The Students' Perception of Teaching (SPOT) software is used at WVU to electronically measure student satisfaction and solicit feedback about the quality of instruction. SPOT surveys are used to improve the student experience at WVU. The University seeks fair and honest feedback from its students about their courses. Student information is not kept with the survey data, nor are the students identified in any way.
Evaluation Process
The evaluation process begins with the instructor receiving an email containing a link to the evaluation, and a deadline for the instructor to make any changes.
Survey Questions: The evaluation contains mandatory questions that the instructor can view. The instructor can also choose from among pre-written, optional questions to include in the survey.
Survey Dates: The evaluation settings show the default delivery date, based on the length of the course. The instructor can change the dates, and can change the delivery from “Scheduled” to “Manual.”
Near the end of the course, students will receive an email with a link to the survey.
Instructors can view the response rate while the survey is open to the students.
After the grades have been submitted and locked, instructors can view the responses to the survey in reports. These reports also contain a comparison of the current semester results to those in the instructor's college and the entire University.
The timeline for evaluations depends on the length of the course. View the timeline for the current semester.
Instructor’s Tasks Within SPOT
When the survey period is open, view the survey:
View mandatory questions.
Optionally, choose from among pre-written optional questions.
Optionally, change the default dates during which the survey is available to students.
Optionally, change the survey from Scheduled to Manual, meaning you will notify the students during class that they will be taking the survey during that specific class session.
Notify students after the evaluation period has opened.
After the evaluation period has closed, review the results in the report.