Endnote is the industry standard software tool for publishing and managing bibliographies, citations and references on Windows and Macs. Contact your local desk-side support if you need assistance with installation.
Licensing restrictions
By installing an Endnote license, you are agreeing to use this software for academic purposes.
Faculty and staff (academic researchers) can download this software on WVU-owned computers.
Students cannot purchase this software through WVU, but can purchase it directly from Endnote.com or Thinkedu.com. Students can also use EndNote Basic, which is a free bibliography maker.
Install EndNote
WVU-owned computers: Use the Software Center, Companty Portal or Self Service to download a license on your WVU-owned computer.
Personal computers: Visit Endnote.com or Thinkedu.com to purchase the software, or check out EndNote Basic, a free bibliography maker.