Change How Grades are Displayed in eCampus
Follow the steps below to change the grade display in eCampus.
Click Grade Center from the Control Panel in your course.
Select Full Grade Center.
Locate the column you wish to edit and click the chevron in the column header.
Select Edit Column Information from the menu.
Under the section labeled Column Information, click the drop-down to select an option for the Primary Display. Grades display in this format in both the Grade Center and My Grades.
Score: A numeric grade is the default setting.
Letter: A letter grade appears.
Text: Text appears in the column when you create and associate a text grading schema.
Percentage: A percentage appears.
Complete/Incomplete: When a student submits an item, a Completed icon appears in the column regardless of the score achieved.
Secondary Display allows the instructor to display an alternative grade category (e.g. letter, percentage).
Secondary Display is visible only in the Grade Center. It is not displayed to students. In order to display an alternative/secondary grade for this assignment to the students, the instructor will need to create a manual column, add the grades, and change the primary display for that column.Click Submit.