Discussion Boards in eCampus
Visit Blackboard's Discussions help page to learn how to create, manage and grade discussion boards in eCampus. You can also find a basic instruction to set up a discussion board in the eCampus 101 for Faculty article.
Change an author of an anonymous post
In your course, select Course Tools under the Control Panel.
Select Discussion Board.
Click the name of the forum with the anonymous post.
Click the chevron next to the thread's name (downward arrow icon) to open an options menu.
Select Change Author.
Your name should appear under the Author column instead of Anonymous.
Modify discussion board availability (lock a discussion board)
When a discussion board thread is created, it is automatically assigned a Published status. The thread status can be changed or locked to keep students focused on relevant discussions. Thread status is shown and changed in List View.
Access the discussion board forum.
In List View, select the check box next to each thread requiring a change of status.
Click the Thread Actions drop-down menu and choose a new status for the selected thread or threads (for example, Lock, Make Unavailable, or Unlock).
The new discussion thread status will appear in the Status column.