Eduroam is a secure and worldwide roaming access service that lets educators, researchers, and others in higher education instantly log on to Wi-Fi at participating schools. The service is available in all University-owned buildings except residence halls. Eduroam is available on the Morgantown, WVU Tech, and Potomac State campuses.
How do I connect to eduroam?
Look for "eduroam" listed in your wireless network access list.
If you are a visitor from a participating institution, enter your credentials from your home institutions.
If you are a WVU student, researcher or staff member, log with the following credentials:
Username: If you are a student, enter your WVU Login followed by If you are part of HSC, enter your WVU Login followed by
Password: Enter your WVU Login password.
My credentials won't work!
If you are not a WVU user, contact your participating home school/university.
If you are a WVU user, contact the ITS Service Desk.
Where can I find more information?
Participating institutions:
For more information, visit