Create a Subaward

You create a subaward to manage award funds designated for a subawardee. Setting up a subaward is like setting up an award. However, subawards can have their own unique workflow and data-collection pages. A subaward can be set up and go through its approval cycle while its parent award is in the Draft state. In other words, the parent award and the subaward projects can be worked on in parallel. You can create a subaward while the parent award is in the Draft, Review, Final Review, or Active state. However, the subaward can be approved only when its parent award is in the Active or Advance Account state.

To create a subaward

  1. From My Inbox or one of the tabs on the Grants Awards page, click the desired award name.

  2. From the award workspace, click Create Subaward.

  3. Fill out each page of the subaward and click Continue.

Shows the Sub-award Information page, including award information, the sub-recipient, the sub-award name, its dates and costs.

As you set up the subaward, bear in mind:

  • Subawards are typically set up for a single year.

  • The subaward's start date should not precede the parent award's start date.

  • The subaward recipient organization is not imported from the original funding proposal. You must select it on Subaward Information page.

On the final page, click Finish.

The system creates a new subaward in the Draft: Award Setup in Progress state. It will remain in that state until the parent award is activated. Then the subaward can be activated, as well.


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