Create a Funding Award

Create a Funding Award Video (opens in a new tab)

As a specialist, you can create a funding award once a funding proposal has entered any sponsor review state or has been awarded. This procedure shows the general process for setting up an award once WVU has received an official award notification from the sponsor.


  • The award's Effort page inherits the effort metric used in its parent funding proposal. Further, if the effort metric is months, the award also inherits the choice made in the proposal budget to represent effort and salary requested per calendar year or split into academic and summer months.

  • To authorize spending before receiving the award notification, set up the first budget period's allocation as an advance account.

To create a funding award

  1. From My Inbox or the Grants Funding Proposal page, click the name of the proposal for which award notification has been received.

  2. From the proposal workspace, click Award Letter Received.

  3. Fill out the resulting form and click OK.
    The proposal transitions to the Award Notification Received state and sends the proposal owner a notification.

  4. From the proposal workspace, click Create Funding Award.

  5. Complete each page of the award and click Continue.

Shows the General Award Information page. Its questions include award title, PI, award type, instrument type, and direct sponsor.

On the final page of the award, follow the instructions and click Finish.

This creates a new award in the Draft state.


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