Initiating/Modifying Subawards Process
New, continuation, or renewal proposals routed for WVU/WVURC approval that propose subawards not previously approved by a sponsor should be supported by sufficient information/documentation for those evaluating the proposal to determine the sub-recipient’s formal commitment to and role in the performance of the project, including:
A letter-of-intent signed by each sub-recipient’s authorized official (see Reference Section, below, for information to be included);
A scope-of-work for each proposed subaward; and
The proposed multi-year budget for each subaward.
Subawards - post prime award
Subawards, the need for which arises after the sponsor has issued an award, must receive the formal approval of the sponsor’s grant or contract authorized official before OSP can issue a subaward.
Requests for such subawards must be endorsed by OSP on behalf of WVU/WVURC. OSP can seek approval for a sub-award from the sponsor only after it has received the following:
Approval of the PI/PD’s School/College/Center to issue the subaward as indicated through the Subaward Certification (see OSP website for form);
A complete Sub-recipient Commitment Form for each subaward signed by each sub-recipient’s authorized official (see OSP website for form);
A scope-of-work for each proposed subaward; and
A multi-year budget for each subaward.
Modifications should be processed when:
Substantive changes to the approved scope-of-work are agreed upon by the WVU/WVURC PI/PD and Sub-recipient PI/PD;
Changes to the level of funding are required;
Changes to the period of performance are required; or
New award terms and conditions are made necessary by sponsor action.
To initiate or modify a subaward, contact the Subaward Unit: