Complete a Budget for a Proposal
When you finish a funding proposal, the system automatically creates an associated budget based on the selected sponsor. You can then fill out the budget (and create any additional budgets that are needed).
There are two options for submitting budgets for proposals in WRAP: one for budgets associated with proposals not submitted through WRAP to , and another for budgets associated with proposals submitted through WRAP to .
Option 1: Recommended Approach for Budgets for Proposals NOT Submitted Through WRAP to
This approach is for budgets associated with proposals that are not submitted through WRAP to . since the budget details do not map to the SF424 form, it is recommended to include personnel details, group other costs annually as Other, and attach a detailed budget spreadsheet.
When the funding proposal is created, within the funding proposal workspace, select the Add Attachments activity on the left menu.
Click Add to attach a budget spreadsheet.
From the Proposal Workspace, click the Budgets tab and navigate to the Budget Workspace.
Click Edit Budget to open the budget SmartForm.
On the General Budget Information page, do not update any of the information on this page from its default values.
On the Personal Cost Definition page
Import personnel from the proposal.
Update personnel
Click the Update button next to the name of each of your key personnel and enter an annualized salary (example: $100,000).
On the Personnel Costs do not update any of the information on this page from its default values.
On the General Cost Definition: Select Other which will represent all other direct costs as a lump sum per year.
Option 2: Recommended Approach for Budgets for Proposals Being Submitted to through WRAP
This process is for budgets associated with proposals submitted through WRAP to It is recommended to include personnel and general cost details directly in the proposal, as this maps to the SF424 form. This approach reduces duplicate entry and ensures budget alignment.
Complete a Budget Video (opens in a new tab)
Open the Budget
On the proposal’s or component's Budgets tab, click the name of the sponsor budget.
Click Edit Budget.
General Budget Information
On the first page of the budget, enter general information, which includes:
* Budget title: Edit the display name of this budget to better identify the sponsor or the budget's content if necessary.
* Principal Investigator for this budget: This drop-down list contains only the names of those identified as a PI or Co-PI on the proposal.
* Does this budget use the standard F&A cost base and rates? If this budget will use the standard F&A cost base and rates displayed in the table below, select Yes. If you need to enter non-standard F&A rates or cost base, click No. An additional table for entering those values appears. If changes in site configuration impact this budget's standard rates, the system selects No, and the old rates appear in the non-standard table.
Include in consolidated budgets? Select Yes to include this budget in the total proposal budget displayed in the financials tab of the proposal workspace. Select No to exclude this budget from the total proposal budget. If this is a cost share budget, select No.
Salary cap: To override the default salary cap, type in a new amount.
Enter inflation rates: Defaults to 3%. Update as needed.
When done, click Continue.
Personnel Cost Definition
On the Personnel Cost Definition page, add paid internal personnel:
To view or add personnel on the proposal, click the Go to additional personnel on funding proposal link.
Click Import Proposal Personnel to import the PI and all institutional personnel who were added to the proposal’s Personnel page as “Senior/Key person on the proposal” or as “Other personnel.” (Personnel who were added as “Other significant contributor on the proposal” are not imported.)
To add these personnel individually, click Add, and complete the form. You can also create a placeholder salary row for a position yet to be staffed by selecting Staff Member To Be Determined.
To view, add, or delete personnel from the proposal before importing, click Go to additional personnel on funding proposal.
Note: If the effort metric for this proposal is months, the system prompts you to select whether to budget the effort for each person by calendar year or to distribute it between summer and academic sub-periods.
When done, click Continue.
Personnel Costs
On the Personnel Costs page, click Edit.
In each personnel cost row, type the planned effort and salary requested on the project.
Depending on the effort metric selected for the proposal, you enter these values either as percentages or as months.
If the effort metric is months, depending on how personnel were set up on the Personnel Cost Definition page, you may budget a person's effort for the entire calendar year, or distribute it between summer and academic sub-periods.
If the salary requested for any person is less than their projected effort, when you save the budget, the budget workspace alerts you to create a cost share budget to show how the additional funds will be provided.
Modify the defaults for the fringe benefit rate and the base salary if appropriate. (To edit a person's base salary, click their name at the left, and edit the Annualized salary field in the form that appears.)
Click the push arrows at the right of a budget period column to replicate values in successive periods.
When satisfied with your entries, click the Save button to update the figures in the Totals view of the budget tables.
To view all rates and totals (with effort and salary requested represented as both months and percentages), click Show Effort.
(Note: Budget viewers as well as editors can do this.)When done specifying personnel costs, click Continue.
If you selected detailed budget tables for any cost categories, complete the definition and costs tables for each of them as you just did for personnel costs. When done, click Continue.
General Cost Definition
Add line items for general costs not accounted for on detailed budget tables.
When done, click Continue.
General Costs
If you specified Equipment or Facility Rental/User Fees on the General Cost Definition page, these amounts appear as editable values on the General Costs page. Edit these figures as needed to reflect actual anticipated costs for each budget period. When done, click Continue.
F&A Cost Overrides
The F&A Cost Overrides page reports the cost-base standard being used to calculate the F&A amount for this budget. It also reports for which categories, if any, that standard will be overridden. Only Grants specialists can change these settings. For details on how these settings work, click the Help button
On the Attachments page of the budget, click Add to attach any supporting documents.
When satisfied with all your budget entries and attachments, click Finish.
You are returned to the budget workspace and the Financials tab on the budget workspace now shows period and cumulative totals for the budget you have completed.
You can continue to edit the budget until you submit it for Department Review.