Submit a Mountaineer Card Student Conduct Complaint
Employees who personally witness student behavior they believe violates the Campus Student Code are encouraged to report that activity, including possible misuse of a Mountaineer ID Card, to access WVU services and/or physical locations.
Submit a complaint
If you believe a student is trying to use a Mountaineer Card that doesn't belong to them, please take the following steps:
Deny the student access to the WVU service they are attempting to use.
Take a picture of the front of the Mountaineer Card. Do not confiscate the card.
Try to gather some context and details. Ask the student why they are trying to use a card that isn't theirs, collecting their name and student ID number if possible.
Go to and select Submit a Complaint.
Enter all required information and submit the report to the Office of Student Conduct, which will review the form and investigate.
Have questions?
Contact the Office of Student Conduct at