Davis College IT Support
Davis College staff and faculty who need desk-side support for computer issues, applications, or systems specific to Davis College or its buildings should submit a ticket using the Davis College Computer Support service.
Davis College departments
The Davis College computer support staff provides support to the following departments:
Davis College Administration
Animal and Nutritional Sciences
Extension - Agricultural & Natural Resource
Forestry and Natural Resources
Plant and Soil Sciences
Resource Management
School of Design and Community Development
Some central software licensing for Extension, RRI, B&E, and a few miscellaneous groups (any software that references software.wvu.edu in the license or license server fields comes from this unit).
Buildings include all of Agricultural Sciences, South Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural Annex (everything except the engineering group), WVU farms, WVU green house, areas of Allen floor 7 that house the Design and Merchandising group, and Percival floors 1, 2, and 3 with the exception of the hearing clinic on the third floor.
For more information about Davis College, go to davis.wvu.edu.