Funding Proposal and Award Personnel Lists
Funding Proposal Personnel Lists, Project Roles, and the Collaboration/Credit Split List
Question #3 – Funding Proposal Personnel Lists
Please follow the guidance below when adding people to Personnel Lists in the WRAP Grants Module:
Personnel List 3a: Institutional Personnel
Who to include on this list:
WVU Employees
Health System Dual Employee and Sponsored Accounts who are paid by WVU
WVU Sponsored Account Holders who are paid by WVU
During award setup, this list is automatically sent to the financial system, an error will occur if the person is not in one of the above categories as they will not be in the financial system
It is possible that a WVU Health System Employee is included in the “picker list” but is not paid by WVU.
Who not to include on this list:
WVU Health System employees who are not paid by WVU (WVU Medicine/Health System Shared Users/Sponsored Account Holders) – Include these personnel in List 3b
Collaboration Contributors - Include these personnel in Question #5, Collaboration Contribution on the Funding Proposal – Information is provided below.
Personnel List 3b: External Key Personnel
All External KEY Personnel, e.g., consultants or subrecipients
WVU Health System Shared Users or those with Sponsored Accounts who are not paid by WVU.
Personnel on this list will not have access to the system to view or edit records.
Personnel on this list will not be included on the Award
Any comments about COI here?
Question #5 – Collaboration Contribution (Credit Split)
Purpose of Credit Split:
The credit split mechanism is solely for internal institutional purposes. It will not impact the budget or compliance.
The intent is to track and highlight collaboration contributions, allowing team members to share and identify their roles and contributions within a project.
Automated Percentage Assignment:
The system will automatically provide a default percentage for each collaborator. Users can modify these percentages if desired.
If no changes are made, the default will typically be a 50/50 split for two people, with adjustments based on the number of team members.
Impact on Digital Measures and Budget:
This credit split is separate from Digital Measures and does not influence budget allocations.
The primary impact will be on internal analytics, enabling the institution to analyze contributions across different collaborations and projects.