Grants Module (Proposal And Award)
Grants Compliance Review Page Overview
Contains questions related to regulatory, institutional, and Sponsor compliance requirements.
Completed by the Principle Investigator (PI) and reviewed by the Department & Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).
Compliance Page Actions:
Ancillary Review (Proposal or Award)
Award Deliverable (Award)
Reports provided to the compliance department.
The Compliance Review Page responses are carried over to the Award automatically.
Grants Ancillary Review (AR) Process
Ensure compliance requirements are met.
A manual ancillary review can be added by anyone with edit access to the submission.
An open or unapproved ancillary review does not stop submission to the Sponsor, but departmental/college business processes can.
Open reviews are revisited if the Proposal is awarded.
Grants Ancillary Review
Automatic Reviews:
Triggered by select questions on the Proposal Compliance Review page. (e.g., data management, IBC, Radiation, EH&S).
Only available during the Draft state of a Proposal
Automated reviews are sent immediately to the compliance offices for review and approval. As soon as the item is checked.
Manual Reviews:
Initiated by OSP, PI, department/college, or compliance department as needed, especially when approval is required to address compliance matters.
All Ancillary reviews during the Award stage are manual.
Grants Module Ancillary Reviews (AR) Standard Operating Procedures
An open or unapproved ancillary review does not stop the proposal submission to the Sponsor.
Reviews with REQUIRED selected do not stop the submission workflow. (this occurs only in Agreements)
OSP will submit proposals to the Sponsor regardless of AR status.
Department/college business processes can stop a proposal from submission.
Open reviews are revisited if the Proposal is awarded and must be completed before the budget is released (in most cases).
Guidance For Compliance Offices
Proposal Phase – If sufficient time is not provided to complete the review, state this in the comments. The Department Reviewers, OSP and others can easily see the status.
WVU has a 30% award rate for proposals. Use your judgment if sufficient time was not provided. Budgets can be adjusted at Award.
Award Phase – SLAs of 3-5 business days will be important during this phase as, in most cases, the budget cannot be released until the AR is complete.
Agreements – SLAs of 3-5 business days are important during the negotiation phase to ensure contracts are signed in a timely manner.
Grants - Award Deliverables
Provide a way to add and track a required action for an Award.
The action is either required by the Sponsor, a regulation, or an institutional policy.
Added by OSP AIM during award initiation and setup.
Reminders sent to required parties listed on the Deliverable.