Establishing an Award Process

The Office of Sponsored Programs is responsible for entering awards into the university’s financial system (MAP) but must have the following information before processing an award. Failure to supply OSP with any of this information means a delay in your receiving project funds. If you have questions about any financial information, please consult with your expert business office (EBO) or your departmental budget officer.

Departmental Activity (DA) Number


This is a 9-digit number that translates to an expenditure organization such as “sponsored programs research” or “research cost-sharing” or “anatomy accounts” and is specific to your department and college. If your project includes cost-sharing, you will need to provide a DA number for the cost share account as well as the DA specific to your department. In most cases, these numbers have already been created for your department. Note that there is no need to have a new DA number for every project. New DA numbers can take some time to process.

Task Line Item Budget


If more than one department or college is involved in the project, OSP needs to know how many Oracle “tasks” to establish and also needs the DA and line item budget for each. This information should be supplied on the specific form titled “Supplemental Form A” which is found with the “WVU Application Approval Sheet”.



OSP needs to know where your cost-sharing originates and the DA for the cost-sharing. Most cost-sharing is salary [CUFS fund 1300 or Oracle fund 11100037]. Note sponsored project funds will not be released until internal cost sharing information/accounts have been established as outlined in the proposal submitted to and approved by the sponsor.

Compliance Issues


If compliance issues (human subjects, animal use, biohazards, or radiation) are involved, OSP will not release funds until the appropriate review board has approved the protocol.


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