If you are leaving WVU, please submit an ITS Service Request for help with Qualtrics and an ITS request and request the transfer of your survey projects to others for their continued access to the survey/online form and its results. Shared surveys are not copied into the other person's account and will disappear once your account is deleted.
If you plan to share a survey with an individual, verify that person has a Qualtrics account by asking or by submitting a request for help with Qualtricsan ITS request. You can also look for the person's account in the User and Group Address Book accessible from the Collaborate command within Qualtrics.
If you plan to share a survey with a group, make sure the group already exists and that you are a group member. Go to the Library page and click on your name in the upper left corner to view your groups. When you share a survey with a group, everyone in the group will have the same access privileges. You can request to have accounts added to the group or deleted from the group to group to control team members' access. Be judicious about sharing surveys and results with your entire college or unit division as you may be sharing the survey with more individuals than you realize.