Log into
SPOT in one of three ways:
After logging in to eCampus, choose Tools, then SEI.
Navigate to https://wvu.bluera.com/wvu.
View charts showing the response rate.
View management tiles for each course in one location.
Instructor Icon: Customize questions.
Student icon: As a student, evaluate your instructor.
Instructor icon: Manage settings.
Customization of survey has been completed.
Customization of survey is in progress.
Customization of survey can begin.
View course reports after all grades have been posted.Method Two: Navigate to https://wvu.bluera.com/wvu. You will need to authenticate your WVU username. Then choose Students' Perception of Teaching (SPOT) in the menu. From there, the Home screen appears with a list of your courses. Click on a course name to view and manage the questions.
Method Three: After logging in to eCampus, choose Tools in the left navigation menu, then Students' Perception of Teaching.
Then click the course name.
Method One: Click the link in an email notifying you that it is time to set up your evaluation. The email will be sent to your MIX Gmail account (not @mail.wvu.edu).
Select the appropriate user group from the dropdown menu. Please note only the surveys and reports associated with the selected group will be displayed on the next screen. Select the Student Feedback user group to access Student Feedback of Instruction or Early Semester Course Feedback.
After authenticating your WVU credentials, the link opens and you will see a tile for each course you teach. Click Manage Settings to navigate to the questions and options for that course.