Log into
SPOT in one of three ways:
After logging in to eCampus, choose Tools, then SEI.
Navigate to https://wvu.bluera.com/wvu. Select Student Feedback as the user group.
View charts showing the response rate.
View management tiles for each course in one location.
Instructor Icon: Customize questions.
Student icon: As a student, evaluate your instructor.
Instructor icon: Manage settings.
Customization of survey has been completed.
Customization of survey is in progress.
Customization of survey can begin.
View course reports after all grades have been posted.Method Two: Navigate to https://wvu.bluera.com/wvu. You will need to authenticate your WVU username. Then choose Students' Perception of Teaching (SPOT) in the menu. From there, the Home screen appears with a list of your courses. Click on a course name to view and manage the questions.
Method Three: After logging in to eCampus, choose Tools in the left navigation menu, then Students' Perception of Teaching.
Then click the course name.
Method One: Click the link in an email notifying you that it is time to set up your evaluation. The email will be sent to your MIX Gmail account (not @mail.wvu.edu).
After logging in, your dashboard is displayed.
After authenticating your WVU credentials, the link opens and you will see a tile for each course you teach. Click Manage Settings to navigate to the questions and options for that course.