Users who reach at least 90% of their default 5TB capacity of OneDrive for Business storage can submit a ticket and request additional cloud storage up to 25TB.
File Size Limitations
Maximum | Upload | Download |
Sync | 250GB | 250GB |
Individual files | 250GB | 250GB |
Files within a zip | 20GB | 20GB |
Info |
These limits applies to files, not your total storage. For any file larger than a few GB, we recommend using the OneDrive sync app rather than the website upload feature. |
SharePoint Server versions only support up to 260 characters for file and path lengths, Microsoft Excel and older Office versions have a lower limit, see KB 326039Microsoft's troubleshooting page for details.
If you exceed any limits, you'll receive an error message.
Certain characters have special meanings when used in file names in OneDrive, SharePoint, Windows and macOS, such as "*" for wildcards, and "\" in file name paths. If a file or folder you’re trying to upload to OneDrive contains any of the characters listed below, it may prevent files and folders from syncing. Rename the file or folder to remove these characters before you upload it.
Characters that aren't allowed in file and folder names in OneDrive for home, OneDrive for work or school and SharePoint in Microsoft 365 | Characters that aren't allowed in file and folder names in OneDrive for work or school on SharePoint Server 2013 |
" * : < > ? / \ | (Leading and trailing spaces in file or folder names also aren't allowed.) | ~ " # % & * : < > ? / \ { | }. (Leading and trailing spaces in file or folder names also aren't allowed.) |
To rename a file or folder in Windows, select it and press F2. To rename a file or folder on a Mac, select it and press the 'return' key.
Some organizations don't yet support # and % in names. If you're a global admin or SharePoint admin in Microsoft 365, see Enabling # and % Support on the SharePoint blog to learn how to allow these characters.
For Office desktop win32 apps: If you're saving an Office file via the Backstage view to a OneDrive or SharePoint folder, you won't be able to save the file if the folder name contains ; (semicolon).
If you're using Office 2010, you can't use "&" in file and folder names