Log into eCampus, and open the eCampus Ultra course.
On the Course Content page, you will be able to see if any assignment requires group participation by the group name link below the assignment.
Click on the Assignment Title to begin your part of the group assignment. The assignment’s details & information panel will appear.
👉 Clicking the linked group name will take you to the group’s page, showing all items available to the group.
Review the details about the assignment, such as the due date, number of attempts allowed, grading, and group members assigned. Click Start attempt when ready to begin.
The assignment page will open, where your instructor will have supplied information about the assignment you are to complete with your group.
Follow the guidance provided by your instructor to work with your group and upload a paper, compose a response, craft a project, submit a video, etc.
In the Submission section, you can drag-and-drop files into the box, or just click the box to type (or paste) your submission into eCampus Ultra.
When your group is ready to submit their assignment, click the Submit button.
If you’re still working, you can click Save and Close, and to resume the assignment later.
A pop-up will ask if you are sure you want to submit on behalf of your group. Click Submit to continue.
Another pop-up will announce that your submission was successful, and display the submission date and time, and confirmation number. You can download a receipt file containing this information.
After the assignment has been submitted, you can see the grading status on the assignment Details & Information panel.
Click the View submission button to see any feedback from your instructor addressed to the whole group, or to individuals.
Participating in Discussions with a Group
After the assignment or discussion has been graded, you will see your grade on the Gradebook tab of the course, just like any other assignment. Clicking Viewing the grade Submission after grading will reveal two tabs in the Feedback area. If the instructor provided feedback, the Group tab will show the instructor’s overall feedback for the group, and the individual Individual tab will show the instructor’s feedback for your individual effort.