Versions Compared


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If you are a student and have a question about the course evaluation system (SEI), check the FAQ below.

Table of Contents

How do I access SEI?

When there are one or more course evaluations ready for you to complete, you will receive a notification email from The email will be sent to your MIX Gmail account. Open the email and click on the provided link to get to your SEI dashboard, you will be able to view all of your open course evaluations. Select a course from the list in your dashboard to complete its evaluation here. Once you submit an evaluation you cannot change your responses. 

Alternatively, you can log into eCampus and click on the SEI link under Campus Bookmarks or use the WVU SEI module. You can sign into the system directly at

When can I complete a survey for my course?

You will receive an email notification when there is a course survey available for you to complete.

How do I complete a course evaluation?

View the SEI for Students quick guide or the more detailed Completing an Evaluation training guide.the Completing an Evaluation training guide below.

View file
nameCompleting an SEI Evaluation.pdf

What if I can't log in?

You must sign into SEI with your Login credentials. Make sure you enter them correctly. To check your Login credentials, go to and click Check Account Status. Then enter your username and password and click Login. If you receive an "Invalid credentials" message, call the ITS Service Desk at 304-293-4444.

There are multiple instructors listed for my course. Which one do I choose?

Choose the instructor that you personally had. If you had multiple instructors throughout the course and do not know which instructor to choose for the list, try checking your syllabus or asking your current instructor for the course. Some WVU courses have multiple instructors, and each instructor may appear on the survey. Select your instructor(s) and complete and complete the evaluation as evaluation as normal.

What if there's an error with the course information?

Contact your instructor and prepare screenshots of the issue for review.

What if I don't finish a course evaluation?

You can save your survey at any point to return and complete later, even from a different location. If you forget to return and complete your survey, partially completed evaluation forms will be submitted when the evaluation period ends.

Can I opt-out?

There is no "opt-out" option for students, meaning you will continue to receive reminders until the survey period ends. Completing course evaluations is highly encouraged, but it is not required and will not affect the grade you receive for the course or your ability to graduate. SEI surveys are used to improve the student experience at WVU. The University seeks fair and honest feedback from its students about their courses. Student information is not kept with the survey data, nor are the students identified in any way.