Systems listed here will display your chosen name(s).
Target System | Chosen First | Chosen Last |
MIX | Yes | Yes |
Microsoft 365 | Yes | Yes |
STAR/Banner | Yes | No |
iServe | Yes | Yes |
Degree Works | Yes | No |
eCampus/Blackboard | Yes | No |
Portal | Yes | No |
Mountaineer Card | Yes | Yes |
WVU Directory | Yes | Yes |
Zoom | View Change Your Zoom Display Name for more information. |
How long will it take for my chosen name to show up once it’s accepted?
If you experience problems related to the use of your chosen name, you should contact the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for assistance. Campus Engagement and Compliance.
Can I choose any chosen name I want?
WVU’s identity management system checks submitted names against nearly 40 databases from both U.S. and international sources. Any chosen name submission found in one of these databases is automatically accepted. Those that aren’t found in the databases will be reviewed by humans. As additional names are accepted, they will be added to the evolving WVU database so the next person who requests that name will get an automatic acceptance. The databases currently in use are listed below.
Why is my dead (legal) name still printed on the back of my ID card?