On the first page of the budget, enter general information, which includes:
* Budget title: Edit the display name of this budget to better identify the sponsor or the budget's content if necessary.
* Principal Investigator for this budget: This drop-down list contains only the names of those identified as a PI or Co-PI on the proposal.
* Does this budget use the standard F&A cost base and rates? If this budget will use the standard F&A cost base and rates displayed in the table below, select Yes. If you need to enter non-standard F&A rates or cost base, click No. An additional table for entering those values appears. If changes in site configuration impact this budget's standard rates, the system selects No, and the old rates appear in the non-standard table.
Include in consolidated budgets? Select Yes to include this budget in the total proposal budget displayed in the financials tab of the proposal workspace. Select No to exclude this budget from the total proposal budget. If this is a cost share budget, select No.
Salary cap: To override the default salary cap, type in a new amount.
Enter inflation rates: Defaults to 3%. Update as needed.
When done, click Continue.