Make Changes to a Submitted SEI Survey (for Students)

Once you click on the Submit button after completing an SEI survey, you cannot change any of your answers. You can, however, submit a request through the ITS Service Desk to either unsubmit or reset your survey if, for example, you

  • got the scale reversed and accidentally selected the opposite responses.

  • accidentally selected and evaluated the wrong course. 

  • only checked one instructor to evaluate and think you may get a different survey to evaluate the other instructor. One survey, multiple instructors will show on the same survey and can be evaluated independently.

How do I change my answers on an SEI survey?

Submit a ticket to WVU ITS. In the detailed description field, specify if you would like your survey marked as Unsubmitted or if you would like it Reset.

  • Marked as Unsubmitted: You will be able to view and edit your answers and then resubmit the survey.

  • Reset: This will completely wipe out ALL of your answers and you will need to start over.

In the description field, also specify the course survey that needs to be Unsubmitted or Reset.

You will need to be sure to resubmit the survey before the deadline for completing that SEI survey. Deadlines are set by the instructors, so if you have a question about the deadline for a survey, talk to the instructor for that course.