For existing test availability settings, you can make exceptions for individual students or groups.
You can create these types of exceptions:
Number of attempts
Availability: Date and time the test is available to the student or group
Force completion
Restrict location
How to create a test exception
Navigate to the Test within the Content Area
Click the down arrow
Click Edit the Test Options
Scroll down to Test Availability Exceptions
Search for the student or group you wish to give the exception to
Click Submit
Enter the exceptions you would like to permit
Click Submit
Extend test availability
With test availability exceptions, you can offer certain students and groups longer access to a test.
In the Test Availability section, you can choose to display a test during a certain time range.
In the Test Availability Exceptions section, you can choose students and groups and give them longer access to the test. You must add a day and time for the After and Until fields.
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