These instructions show you how to complete the Internal Transfer form to transfer funds within the same bank account or pay another WVU department for goods and services.
View a demonstration video showing how to complete an automated form. (4:00) (To view the video, you may need to disable your popup blocker.)
View a detailed PDF guide showing how to complete an Internal Transfer form.
View the PCPS webpage.
Email for assistance.
Access Mountaineer Marketplace.
On the Mountaineer Marketplace home page > PCPS Automated Forms, click the Internal Transfer form.
Choose the Supplier.
After you select the supplier, the Remit to address information populates.
Complete all bold fields.
Product Description: Description of the internal transfer request.
Goods Recd Date: The date you received the goods or services.
Grant?: Select 'Yes' only if any of the account you are requesting the transfer to or from is a grant.
Enter the full account number of the account being credited.
To submit your form, choose Add Item and Close Form in the Available Actions region. It will become a shopping cart.
Note: To continue completing the same form but for a different internal transfer, in the Available Actions region in the upper right corner, choose Save to Cart and Add Another Item. Complete another Direct Payment form for a different payment.After submitting, a shopping cart is created for this form. You may choose Assign Cart or Proceed to Checkout:
Assign the Cart
This is a means of collaborating with another employee on a purchase before submitting the requisition for approvals.
Proceed to Checkout
Identify a shipping address.
Optionally, enter the account(s) that will pay for the purchase.
Optionally, add a comment to the approver and/or the buyer.
Click Submit Requisition or Assign Cart.
Submit Requisition: Your shopping cart becomes a requisition and will automatically route for electronic approvals based on WVU compliance rules. You can view the routing path in the PR Approvals tab in the Checkout screen.
Assign Cart
: This is a means of collaborating with another employee on a purchase before submitting the requisition for approvals.need new link (link was broken)
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