Expedite Approval of an Amendment

When the amendment is in the Internal Review or External Review state, you can expedite or fast-track the amendment approval process by using the Expedite Approval activity. You can use this activity if the amendment does not include a file that requires signing and you did not indicate that a draft will be generated internally.

Expedited approval is only available when an agreement file is not uploaded, and the Generate Internally option is not selected.

The amendment will not appear in your inbox. Click Agreements on the Top Navigator and find the amendment on the All Agreements or the In Progress tab.

  1. From the amendment workspace, click the Expedite Approval activity.
    Note: This activity will not show if the amendment does not qualify for expedited approval.

  2. Complete the page by entering the following information:
    • 1. Effective date: Select today’s date
    • 2. Expiration date: Type a date that is two years minus a day from the effective date
    • 3. Comments: Add comments if applicable.

  3. Click OK.

Amendments follow the same workflow as agreements. You can expedite approval or complete all steps if signatures or negotiation are required.

Confirm you met the success criteria below:
• The amendment is in the Approved state.

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