COI Review Workflow
COI Review Workflow Overview Video (opens in a new tab)
A certification or a pre-approval request can have multiple review stages. A review workflow can have intermediate and final stages. A review workflow does not have to include intermediate review stages, but there must be a final stage configured for all reviews.
The reviewers in the intermediate stages provide input that can be used by the reviewer in the final stage. The reviewer in the final stage is responsible for making the determination by referring to the input provided by intermediate reviewers.
For example, a certification or pre-approval request can have two intermediate stages and a final stage of review.
Submit My Review activity is available for intermediate reviewers and Submit Review activity is available for the final reviewer.
On the project workspace, you can view the current review stage, for example Department Review or Central Compliance Office. Additionally, you can view the where this review stands in the review progression, for example the image below shows the review is in Review Stage 1 of 3.