Submit an Ancillary Review
If you are assigned as an ancillary reviewer, you get an e-mail notification, the related agreement appears in your inbox, and the Submit Ancillary Review activity becomes available in the Agreement workspace.
This procedure assumes you have finished reviewing the agreement and are ready to submit your review.
To submit an ancillary review
From My Inbox or My Reviews tab, open the agreement you want to review.
From the Agreements workspace, click Submit Ancillary Review.
In the Submit Ancillary Review form, select the ancillary review to submit.
Select Yes if you agree with the agreement terms, and No if the agreement terms are not accepted in the Do you accept this agreement? field.
Select Yes if the ancillary review is complete, and No if the ancillary review is not complete and requires corrections or clarifications in the Is the ancillary review complete? field.
Add any comments and supporting documents you think necessary, then click OK.
When you accept and indicate that the ancillary review is complete:
It does not change the state of the agreement.
The agreement no longer displays in your inbox.
The details of the ancillary review show on the Ancillary Reviews tab of the agreements workspace.
All the required ancillary reviews needs to be completed before the Approve Language activity is executed. For the ancillary reviews that are not required, the submit option will display till the agreement is sent for signatures.