Move an Agreement to External Review
After the internal review is complete and all changes have been made to the agreement, the next step is to send the agreement to external parties for review. Confirm that there are no outstanding ancillary reviews. If any are required and pending, the system will not allow you to move the agreement to external review.
Log in to the system as the agreement reviewer.
In WRAP, locate the agreement you wish to send for external review and open it.
On the agreement workspace, click Move to External Review on the left.
Type some notes regarding the external review. For example, “Sending this to the main external party contact who will oversee the reviews at that organization.”
Leave the external organization and contact information fields unchanged. These were auto populated from the agreement SmartForm pages. Click OK. After moving the agreement to external review in the system, send the agreement to external parties using your usual method (e.g., mail, email).
The agreement is now in the External Review state. The system tracks the time spent in this state for reporting purposes.
Move the agreement between internal and external review as needed until all parties agree on the language. This reflects the current review status and ensures accurate tracking.
This activity only updates the status for tracking and does not send the agreement externally.
If the agreement must move back to internal review, use the Move to Internal Review activity. You can move the agreement back and forth between internal and external reviews until the agreement language is agreed upon by all parties.