Submit to Federal Sponsor
Submit a Funding Proposal to the Sponsor Video (opens in a new tab)
When a funding proposal has gone through final review and entered the Pending Submission to Sponsor state, as the assigned specialist, you can submit the proposal to the sponsor. If necessary, though, you can instead return it to the Specialist Review state for reevaluation and the opportunity to request changes and additional reviews. You can also assign a different specialist to the proposal.
To submit a funding proposal to the sponsor
From the project workspace, click the appropriate submission activity for this proposal.
For a federal sponsor, click Submit To Federal Sponsor.
For opportunities, this will permit an electronic system-to-system submission.For a non-federal sponsor:
Click Submit to Non-Grants Gov Sponsor.
To Return the Proposal To Specialist Review
From the project workspace, click Return to Specialist Review.
The proposal returns to the Specialist Review state, in which you can edit the proposal, request changes from the PI, and, when satisfied, resubmit the specialist review.