Submit a Specialist Review - Final
Submit a Specialist Review Video (opens in a new tab)
When a funding proposal is approved by all department reviewers, it transitions to the Specialist Review state. As the assigned specialist, you receive an e-mail notification and the proposal appears your inbox. You can make changes to the proposal, request changes from the PI, or submit the proposal for final review.
To submit a specialist review
From the project workspace, click Edit Funding Proposal and review the proposal pages.
Make any needed changes you can handle yourself, and click Save.
If you find issues the PI must address:
Click the reviewer note icons for the items in question and type change instructions.
When done adding reviewer notes, click Exit.
On the workspace, click Specialist Requests Changes.
In the resulting form, select Department review required if you want the department to review the responses to your change requests.
Add any general comments and supporting documents.
When done, click OK.
The proposal transitions to the Specialist Review: Pending Changes by PI state. It appears in the PI's inbox, and they receive an e-mail notification.
When the proposal requires no changes, click Final Review.
In the resulting form, add any comments, and then click OK.
The proposal transitions to the Pending Submission to Sponsor state.