CITI Trainings Aren't Displaying in WVU+kc
The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) program provides training modules that help researchers nationwide learn how to comply with federal standards as they conduct research. The WVU Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) requires certifications from some CITI training modules. All WVU employees must use their Login usernames and passwords when accessing CITI online.
If you have a non-technical question about CITI, such as what module to complete to submit an IRB protocol, contact the OHRP at 304-293-7073.
CITI offers full support for Chrome, Firefox, IE 8 and above and Safari.
CITI Trainings aren’t displaying on the Personnel page
Always log in to CITI using the Log in via SSO link located below the general CITI login. You will be required to select West Virginia University from a list of institutions and then provide your WVU Login username and password. CITI trainings will only be associated with a person in WVU+kc if the learner completes the trainings while logged into CITI using their WVUID.
If you have old trainings that you have completed using another CITI account, you will need to submit a request to CITI to merge your old accounts with your WVU Login username account. Once you have successfully merged your old trainings with your WVU Login ID, your trainings will display in WVU+kc.